Sunflower Petal Infusion
Helianthus annuus
Sunflower petal infusion is soothing and adds a natural yellow colour to a product.
Sunflower Petal Infusion
The sunflower (Helianthus annuus), belonging to the Asteraceae plant family, is an annual flower that grows up to four meters tall on a long, hairy stem and has large flowers on top, usually 7cm-30cm wide. It is believed that this plant originates from North America, but it is now grown all over the world. The plant is thought to have a good phytoremediation potential, meaning it can clean soils from heavy metals like zinc and nitrates thanks to their deep, absorbing root system.
Whole plants are harvested as flowering begins and used fresh for liquid extracts. The petals obtained from the plant contain a yellow dye that can be used for tinctures. Seeds are collected in autumn and used fresh, pressed for oil or roasted.
The infusion is made by steeping the petals in boiling water in a process similar to making a strong cup of tea. The yellow liquid is then strained and added straight into the product.