Fresh Grapefruit Infusion
Citrus paradisi
Grapefruit was first described in the 18th century as ‘the forbidden fruit.’ It is a hybrid between an orange and a pomelo, with most of the world’s grapefruits produced in USA, particularly in California, Florida, Texas and Arizona. They are also cultivated in Tropical Asia and West Indies.
Fresh Grapefruit Infusion
Aromatherapists use grapefruit oil as a refreshing and tonic fragrance; it reminds us of the sun’s energy and can help perk up a dull morning. It’s popular for lifting the mood and has been used extensively to clear the mind and help with stress, depression and even Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.) that can strike during dark winter months. A popular breakfast food, grapefruits aid digestion and traditionally, they were used to fight infection, stimulate immunity and help with colds and flu. It is also used as antiseptic, astringent and antibacterial oil for conditions such as acne, congested and oily skin, and also to tone skin. We extract the juice at our factory to ensure the juice that goes into our products is always super fresh, helping to clear the mind and refresh the body, and ensuring you to start the day refreshed and alert.