Fresh Cantaloupe Melon
Cucumis cantalupensis
Ahhh... summer. Hot sun and sweet-scented cantaloupes. You bet there’s beta carotene in that bright orange pulp! Acting as an antioxidant, this carotenoid is said to maintain the skin firm and give radiance. The melons can also be used to condition the skin and hair.
Fresh Cantaloupe Melon
Cantaloupes are members of the large gourd family (Cucurbitaceae) which includes squashes, pumpkins and cucumbers among others. The melon grows in tropical and warm temperate climates and although its origin remains unknown, it is established that it was introduced to Europe at the end of the 17th century. Beloved by the pope Paul II, it was cultivated especially for him around the town of Cantalupo di Sabina, Italy - hence the name cantaloupe.