
Fir Needle Absolute

Xanthorrhoea preissii



Inhaling fir needle absolute is like wandering in the forest, fir and pine trees warmed by the summer sun, needles cracking under your shoes. The air smells resinous, green and fresh, calming and very uplifting.

Fir Needle Absolute

Abies balsameaĀ is also known as balsam fir and is a species found in eastern North America, mainly in Quebec and Maine. When the tree is young, its thin grey bark already shows resinous blisters, which will continue to develop while the tree grows and its bark turns into fine brown scales. This abundance of gum has given the tree its ā€˜balsamā€™ name, and made it known for its therapeutic virtues, especially for the resinā€™s ability to relieve respiratory difficulties.