Brushing up on oral care Want a dental routine that’ll give you a reason to smile? Enter Lush’s oral care range: cruelty-free toothpaste and mouthwash swished with delectable flavours.
Good clean fun - the truth about soap Our soaps are made the traditional way with our own innovative twist, but have you ever wondered how soap is made or how it actually works? Find out now...
How to sleep well Sleep. It’s something that most of us would like more of, but finding the time to catch the six to nine hours that doctors recommend can be a difficult balancing...
How to recycle Christmas gift wrap When the presents are all opened and the dinner has been demolished, the artefacts of Christmas are strewn across the living room. What to do with all the recyclable wrapping...
Breaking down the Bath Bomb, The Ultimate FAQ Guide You have questions, we have answers! Here’s our ultimate FAQ guide to the one and only bath bomb.
How to make bath bombs 34 years ago, in 1989, Lush co-founder Mo Constantine invented the first ever bath bomb. Since that day, we’ve created over 400 different designs and sold over 300 million of...
Henna Hair Dye FAQs Henna’s not just the hippy colour your mum experimented with in the ‘70s, it’s the choice of natural hair dye for anyone who wants colour, gloss, and vibrance, without damaging...
Mother of Bath Bombs: Meet Mo Constantine The year is 1989 - it’s springtime in the southern English county of Dorset, and Mo Constantine is creating a product that will change the world of bathing forever. Working...
Glitter alternatives Razzle dazzle them with glitter that doesn't equate to environmental damage or child labour.
How to choose the perfect hair conditioner Heads up! Keeping your hair in dazzling condition doesn’t have to be high maintenance. Alongside a variety of treatments, masks and the option of shampoo bars or liquids, a menu...
Sumatra's Gayo Permaculture Centre Simon Constantine reports on a visit to Sumatra to visit a permaculture centre being run by Lush in conjunction with the NGO Orangutan Information Centre. The GAYO centre is showing...
Preserving Maasai culture In Nanyuki, Kenya, local Maasai people face tough environmental conditions which threaten their pastoralist lifestyle. Lush Times reporter Katie Dancey-Downs visited the Laikipia Permaculture Centre to find out how people...